Lawyers, clients, and family of clients all use the Maryland Inmate Search tool. If you are trying to get more information, here are three places to look.
The Maryland Department of Corrections Maryland Inmate Search Tool
The Maryland Department of Corrections has an Maryland inmate search tool. You can access basic information on any inmate in their custody. Through this tool you can get the inmate’s SID and DOC# (important for sending correspondence), date of birth, and current holding facility. It is not a lot of detail but if you are not sure where your loved one has been transferred to, sometimes this is the best tool.
Maryland Case Search Tool
You would be surprised but in many jurisdictions it is very hard to get access to basic court information on the internet. Maryland case search is a good supplement to the Maryland Inmate Search tool. Here is a picture of the home screen.
As you can see, as long as you have a name, or a case number, you can find a case. The case search results can give you a lot of information such as:
- Court Dates
- Limited View of Docket Entries
- Charges You Are Facing
- Location of Your Next Hearing
- Sentence that Was Imposed
Lawyers use case search all of the time to get quick and basic information. But, the Maryland case search and Maryland Inmate Locator are limited in use. There is a lot of information that is not available. Unless you have an account with MDEC and are a party in the case, you can’t actually see the documents filed in your case. You really need these if you are going to do any work on the case as a new attorney, or yourself if you are representing yourself. That’s why we recommend the things in our last point below.
Request Your File and Order Your Transcripts
If you want a new attorney to work on your case then they are going to want to see what has been done so far. The first, and easiest thing to do is to request a copy of your file from your previous attorney. You have a right to what is in your file and you should be provided a copy of it if you ask for it. Consider the Maryland case search and Maryland inmate search tools as a way to get in the door, but it won’t get you all the way.
In addition to requesting your file from the attorney, you can ask for a copy of the documents in your casefile. Here is a directory of all of the court clerk offices around the state. Each court does it differently. Always be polite and ask the easiest way to get a copy of the file and how much it will cost.
Finally, if you need an attorney to look over your case for any post-conviction issues you are going to need the transcripts of the hearings. And, to get that, you will need to know either 1) who the court reporter is or 2) who handles the electronic recording of the hearings at the particular courthouse. Contact the appropriate clerk’s office to find out how to order the transcripts. You will need the case number and date of the hearing to order those.
We hope you’ve found this helpful. If you are looking for a Maryland Criminal Lawyer, feel free to call us 24/7. We offer free initial consultations. In fact, you can even schedule a consult yourself through the button at the top of the page. Also, browse our blog posts. We many articles on Maryland Criminal Law.