Criminal Appeals and Post-Conviction

In criminal cases, you not only have a right to direct appeal, but you have the right to many post-conviction remedies. The firm can handle wrongful conviction cases based upon ineffective assistance of counsel, immigration rights violations, and prosecutor misconduct. As challenging as post-conviction work is, I have extensive experience handling post-conviction cases in federal and state court.

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2255 & 2254 Petitions

2255 petitions are the main way to obtain post-conviction relief in federal court. You have the right to effective assistance of counsel in your federal case. You also have the right to plead guilty free of coercion, prosecutor misconduct, or judicial error. If you feel your conviction is wrongful, please contact my office for a consultation.

Petition for Writ
of Error Coram Nobis.

This type of petition can achieve the same goal (conviction reversed) as a petition under the Maryland Post Conviction Statute. This type of petition does not require that the client be under a criminal sentence.

Post Conviction Statute.

This statute allows clients, who are still serving their sentence, to challenge a wrongful conviction. I represent clients who suffer wrongful convictions for all types of reasons. The primary reason is for ineffective assistance from your attorney. You have a right to effective assistance under the United States and Maryland Constitution. The Uniform Post Conviction Act can be found under Criminal Procedure Article § 7-101- et seq.

Motion to Reconsider
or Modify a Sentence.

Under Maryland law, after a judge announces sentences, a defendant can ask for a modification of the sentence within a certain period of time. A defendant can also ask for a sentencing court to review a sentence, or to have an entire panel of judges review a sentence. There are strict timelines in these cases. If you wish to ask for a modification or review of your sentence, please contact our office immediately.

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