Jul 14, 2018
In the age of the internet, we get calls from potential clients all over the country. We have heard from many people who previously pled guilty to a Maryland “misdemeanor” and the charge is keeping them from being able to possess a firearm. It is a huge...
Jan 24, 2018
The Maryland legislature did quite an amazing thing last year. A law was passed that allows people with Assault Second Degree convictions in Maryland to get their convictions expunged. Mirriam and I have complained often that too many people plead guilty to assault in...
Aug 20, 2016
If the prosecutor has charged you with Assault Second in Maryland there are three ways he or she can try to find you guilty. Md. CRIMINAL LAW Code Ann. § 3-203. The three types of Assault Second are: Battery. For this type, the State must prove that...
Aug 19, 2016
Basics of Maryland 2nd Degree Assault Maryland 2nd Degree Assault is a very common charge. We’ve had many clients accused of Assault in the Second Degree for very minor things. In fact, an angry girlfriend and a mere accusation can lead to serious potential...