Both a state and federal judge in Arkansas have put a halt (for now) to several executions in Arkansas. These executions were scheduled to start next week.I’ve posted this article mainly as a repository for the relevant litigation documents. The New York Times writes excellently on the topic as has Liliana Segura.The federal injunction is based on the pain caused in executions when using midazolam. The state injunction relates to the sneaky underhanded usage of drugs by Arkansas Department of Corrections knowing that the drug company did not approve of the usage. Documents below:State CaseComplaint.McKessonMedicalSurgicalBriefinSupport (of Motion for Injunctive Relief)Griffin.Restraining OrderFederal CaseMemoInSupport.Baker (of Motion for Injunctive Relief)PreliminaryInjunction.JudgeBakerUpdate:MotionForChangeofVenue

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